This award will be awarded to radio amateurs that prove contacts with 5 different members of the CWJF Group. All bands are valid but contacts must be made only in CW. The award is also available to SWL's in same conditions.

The award No. 001 was awarded to Radio Amateur
PY2RRG (now PY2FM).

This award will be awarded to radio operators that prove contacts with South American stations exclusively in CW.

a) Using any letter of the suffix forming the phrase: JUIZ DE FORA - A MANCHESTER MINEIRA

b) Contacts needed with 3 different members of the CWJF Group.

c) The Juiz de Fora stations can be used as "wild cards" for any letter needed to form the phrase.

The award No. 001 was awarded to Radio Amateur PY4PJ.

1) Contacts valid since May 01, 1985

2) Contacts in any band, only CW mode

3) Do not send QSL Cards, only GCR

4) Send US$5 or 5 IRC's for each award requested

5) The award will also be awarded to stations SWL's

6) Contacts made and confirmed for the CQMM DX CONTEST are valid for the diplomas cited here

7) No need to authenticate contacts. We believe in you.